SRM University Agreement
Mashreq University is delighted to announce that it has established an academic agreement with Delhi-NCR University, the No.1 in top 50 private Engineering Institutes in India. The agreement covers the following main points:
1. All our Mashreq University Diploma Programs graduates are now invited to upgrade their Diploma to full bachelor degree at SRM University Delhi with a fee reduction of more than 60% including accommodation.
2. All our Diploma holders will be able to upgrade to B.Sc degree in their specialized field with in a period of just two years.
This includes our graduates of the following programs
1. The Biomedical Engineering Diploma
2. The Communication Engineering Diploma
3. The Electrical Engineering Diploma
4. The Information technology Diploma
3. All our Mashreq University Bachelor Degree graduates are invited to continue their postgraduate studies at SRM University Delhi with a fee reduction of more than 60% including accommodation.
4. Mashreq University and SRM University Delhi are currently working together to establish a joint postgraduate programs of M.B.A and MTech in Computer Science and Engineering, where the course duration will be split between Mashreq University and SRM University campuses. Further information on these joint programs will be published in due course.
5. Mashreq University and SRM University Delhi have agreed to establish a student exchange and staff exchange programs. They also agreed to establish joint consultancies and to exchange their academic property.
This agreement took effect on the 17th of October 2017.
For more information please visit Mashreq university registration office.